Vocabulary 2020-06-05

eventually (english) <> eventuell (german)

Eventually means in the end, especially after a lot of delays, problems, or arguments.
Eventually, the army caught up with him in Latvia.
– The flight eventually got away six hours late

Eventually in English is not a question of „if“, but only of „when“.
The German „eventuell“ can still be not happening at all.
„Eventuell besuche ich am Wochenende den Zoo.“

eventuell: unter Umständen; vielleicht

eventuell (german) = perhaps (english)

one step back

one step forward, two steps back

Every time you make progress, something bad happens that means that the situation is worse than before.
A small amount of progress that is then eradicated by a larger amount of setbacks, problems, or difficulties.

„Trying to get the law changed has been a frustrating business. It’s a case of one step forward, two steps back.“
„So many administrative hurdles have been thrown up along the way that this whole project has been one step forward and two steps back ever since we began!“


not likely to be true or to occur

also „hard to swallow“
„schwer zu verdauen“ aber auch „schwer zu glauben“

Synonyms for far-fetched:
doubtful, dubious, flimsy, improbable, questionable, unapt, unlikely


Read The F..ing Manual

In expurgated texts, substitutions such as „read the frickn‘ manual“, „read the factory manual“, „read the field manual“, „read the flaming manual“, „read the fine manual“, „read the friendly manual“, „read the [pause] manual“ or similar variants are used.

RTBM („read the bloody manual“)
RTFA („read the f..ing/featured article“)
RTDA („read the damn article“)
RTDM („read the damn menu“)
RTDM („read the damn manual“)
WABM („write a better manual“)

quick & dirty

Describing a quick calculation, method, etc., especially one that is done or used until you have enough time or money to do or use a more careful one.

„No retirement projection is perfect, but a quick-and-dirty one is far better than none at all.“