Off Topic 2020-06-26

Books Future Shock is a 1970 book by the futurist Alvin Toffler, in which the author defines the term „future shock“ as a certain psychological state of individuals and entire societies. The shortest definition for the term in the book is a personal perception of „too much change in too Read More

Homework for 2020-07-03

Christine & Antje A The rise of data capital article as pdf B How to build a city for an ageing population 1 main audio file plus 1 short video C Tech that tricks the brain 1 main audio file plus 1 short video Assignment choose at least one Read More

Homework for 2020-06-26

Thilo & Michael 1. Gaslighting 2 Online Articles about Gaslighting both are available as links and as pdf part 1 is also available as an audio file Part 1: Part 2: 2. Future Shock 1 chapter as pdf choose one or both topics read (or listen), understand Read More

Off Topic 2020-06-19

Books Rutger BregmanUtopia for Realists:And How We Can Get There GÖTZ W. WERNEREinkommen für alleBedingungsloses Grundeinkommen – die Zeit ist reif Other Topics Those who fall asleep in a democracymight wake up in a dictatorship Switzerland’s voters reject basic income plan Coronavirus: Spain set for basic income to ease crisis Read More

Off Topic 2020-06-12

Canary Test and its origin Technical view,the%20other%20tests%20are%20red. Origin,toxic%20gases%2C%20primarily%20carbon%20monoxide. There are countless examples of environmental effects on animals that later manifested in humans. The classic example is the „canary in the coal mine„. The idea of placing a canary or other warm blooded animal in a mine to detect carbon monoxide was first proposed by John Scott Haldane, Read More

Off Topic 2020-06-05

The Extra Mile Matthew 5:41 In the King James Version of the Bible the text reads:And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain. The World English Bible translates the passage as:Whoever compels you to go one mile, go with him two. Scholarly versions of this Read More

Homework for 2020-06-05

Assigned to Alexander & Christine You can choose one of the two articles (or both 🙂 ) you can work together or just by yourself next week you will be presenting a short summary (5 -10 Minutes) you can just tell us what it is all about, or also use Read More

Diners, the original prefab success story

These streamlined eateries offer nostalgia, a cheap meal, and prefabricated construction at its best

When will you do what? – Anticipating Temporal Occurrences of Activities

An der Universität Bonn entwickelte Software kann künftige Handlungen treffsicher vorhersagen Informatiker der Universität Bonn haben eine Software entwickelt, die ein paar Minuten in die Zukunft blicken kann: Das Programm lernt zunächst aus Videosequenzen die typische Abfolge von Aktionen, etwa beim Kochen. Basierend auf diesem Wissen kann es dann Read More

Passwords and their safety xkcd Password Generator english xkcd Passwort Generator deutsch